Just about the most connected and competent partner in the Contract Manufacturing market.

After decades spent working at a local electro-mechanical manufacturing company, Ed Steiner figured there had to be a better way to go about the manufacturing process. Realizing keeping everything in-house was not terribly cost-effective for anyone involved, he envisioned a company that would network with local manufacturers to streamline the process and make everything a whole lot cheaper. Thus, in 1991, was Steiner Enterprises, Inc. born. More than 30 years later, we are just as dedicated to this unique business model as Ed was on day one.

At Steiner, above all, we are passionate about solving your problems. No, really—it’s what gets us out of bed each day.

Our patented innovations, manufacturing expertise, competitive overhead, and stellar customer service clearly set us apart from your typical OEM partners.

Located in Lafayette, Indiana for more than 25 years, our supply chain reaches globally, while our product delivery is focused on a domestic customer base.

Our history, in a nutshell.


1992: January marks the birth of Steiner Enterprises! A few months later, Tom Hicks jumps on board to help implement Ed’s vision.


1992 – 2005: The first few years sees a focus on science education instrumentation, but by 2002, Steiner begins to branch out into the industrial, retail, and RV markets.


2006: Steiner sees an opportunity to bring even more cost savings to our customers and opens an operation in southeast China.


2007: Ed retires!


2008 – 2010: The diversification process continues, and Steiner starts developing GPS tracking accessories and products for the the Wild Bird Industry.


2010 – Present: Steiner continues to evolve, constantly seeking out new markets to serve and endlessly improving our knowledge and understanding of each industry we work with. We’re excited to see where the future will take us!

Who are you?

Maybe you’re an OEM purchaser for a multi-million dollar firm looking for someone to produce your company’s designs. Or maybe you’re a mom and pop shop with big ideas but no clue where to start. Or perhaps you’re somewhere in the middle — a product manager who needs a design reworked to bring the cost down, an entrepreneur who needs a prototype to shop around….

Whoever you are, in whichever industry you work, we are excited to partner with you. We’re so much more than mere contract manufacturers — from concept to production, and everything in between, we look forward to building a relationship with you that will stand the test of time.

We play well with everyone.

We are problem solvers, first and foremost, and that applies to any problem in any market. Which industry do you work in? Well, we work in that industry, too.



Steiner Enterprises Hard Hat Icon

Commercial and Retail

Bag icon outlined in blue with orange tag

Transportation and GPS Tracking

location document icon with orange pin outlined in blue

Recreational Vehicles

White truck icon orange window and door outlined in blue

Science Instrumentation

Orange microscope icon outlined in blue

YOUR Industry

Light bulb with gear icon inside representing idea being put into motion

How are we different?

Concentration of effort is the key to human accomplishment.

Chet Dekko


Don DeWitt, an equity partner at Steiner, is particularly fond of this quote, and in building our business, we’ve really taken it to heart. Simply put, if you focus individuals on a specific task, rather than dividing their attention among scattered bits and pieces, you’re sure to arrive at a better outcome. With that in mind, we adopted a segmented business model, effectively dividing the business into units run by dedicated teams of individuals.

How does this benefit you? You’ll have just one point of contact for all your questions and directives, for one. You’ll also get a team of partners who are intimately familiar with your company’s culture and products, who take complete ownership of each project—concentrated, customized care from start to finish.

And you’ll save money—our model ensures each project is staffed appropriately depending on the sophistication of the product line. Which means we don’t just throw whoever is free at the moment at your project. Less wasted time and effort. Fewer mistakes and do-overs. All around, a more efficient way of conducting business.